Next Working Bee:
Every last Sunday of the month, at 11am

Community Garden

Welcome to the Kelburn Community Garden, a new community-based project in Kelburn, Wellington. Established in 2023, our garden provides a space for local residents to come together, and grow produce. Join us and discover the joy of growing food together, fostering sustainability and community spirit. We encourage everyone to join us as partners, sponsors, or volunteers and help us build a strong, sustainable community.
Ready to Pick Now:
Good for picking right now is mint and parsley, zucchini, lettuce and some green beans.
* Please only pick from mature plants to allow the smaller ones to grow a bit bigger. Pick leaves from the outside of plants and be careful not to damage the plants as you harvest.
Giving Back
The garden is managed by volunteers and donations. If you have been enjoying the produce in the garden, please consider giving back by either joining in at the next working bee or giving a donation.
How Can I Get Involved?

Join us for a volunteer working bee to build, dig, plant, weed, and spread mulch. We'll provide the tools, materials, and instructions.
All welcome!

Your donations help us to build infrastructure, buy tools, seeds and soil and are gratefully received.

Join the Committee
We meet occasionally to plan working bees, events and garden management.
Get in touch below.

Our Garden in Pictures